Auntie Listen
Warning: I'd like to point out that subject matter may cause triggering and is for mature audiences only. Please listen at your own risk. We are not licensed therapists, we share our opinions and experiences from our personal lives, relationships, and observations.
Auntie Listen is a new podcast posted on the third Saturday of the month. We will address social media videos, lifestyle, injustice and equality, career opportunities, cultural differences, religion, dating and marriage, and what happens to be on our minds now. We aim to build better relationships with ourselves, each other, and our listeners.
Auntie Listen
Organization: Decluttering in the New Year
Join the Aunties as they celebrate Season 3, and bring in the new year by discussing things we no longer subscribe to, and decluttering our lives.
Like, Subscribe, Comment, & Share:
(early access $5)
Affiliate links:
Bath & Beyond-ttps://mavely.app.link/e/h8J1NhlvIFb
The Great Discovery- (https://thegreatdiscovery.com/?affiliate=auntielisten) (You can sign up for free or paid classes. You can upload a course)
Auntie Listen Merch: https://auntie-listen.myshopify.com/
Food Around the World:
Dundee Cake-Dundee, Scotland- https://www.tasteatlas.com/dundee-cake/recipe
Lechona, Tolima Dept, Colombia-https://www.tasteatlas.com/lechona/recipe
Show Title: Organization: Decluttering in the New Year
Show Topic: Things We Longer Subscribe To
Old Wives Tales and Where Do They Come From?
How often do you go through your things to clear them?
Are you one of those people who pay for a storage unit every month?
Do you have clothes that come back in style?
What is something that you used to believe about yourself, that you don't anymore?
What is something that you believed as a child that turned out not to be true?
10 Things I No Longer Believe in -YouTube video posted by Evan Carmichael:
Career Corner:
American Airlines- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4075637978
Delta Airlines-https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4102348125/
Auntie's Bookshelf-The Garden Within by Dr. Anita Phillips
Building Better Relationships: Chore night
I See You, I Hear You- Building Parent and Child Relationship
Grab a calendar, and all your children sit together. Pick a night to spend one hour doing any activity per child.
Starlight by Qubesounds
Available on Pixabay